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Compresor Behringer Mdx 4600

Spesifikasi Compresor Behringer Mdx 4600 :
Switchable IKA (Interactive Knee Adaptation) program-adaptive compression circuitry combines the advantages of hard-knee and soft-knee characteristics

IRC (Interactive Ratio Control) expander/gate circuitry for virtually inaudible noise suppression

Switchable dynamic Enhancer for brilliant, lively audio even with heavy compression

IGC (Interactive Gain Control) peak limiting circuitry combines clipper and program limiter for reliable and inaudible protection against signal peaks

Switchable Low contour filter prevents "pumping" due to low-frequency dominated compression

Stereo couple function selectable for channels 1/2 and 3/4

Separate 8-segment LED meters for input/output levels and gain reduction

Selectable operating level (+4 dBu/-10 dBV)

Servo-balanced inputs and outputs with " TRS and gold-plated XLR connectors
Untuk Harga Compresor Behringer Mdx 4600 Ini Seharga Rp. 2.350.000
Harga Bisa Berubah Setiap Saat. Bisa Naik/Turun
Info Pemesanan Bisa Hubungi WA/Telp : 085-645-045-171